
My skincare routine

Okay, okay... SKINCARE! This is my first ever blog so I am rather excited. I thought I would share with you guys my personal skin care routine. I am constantly looking on social media at what everyone else uses for their routines and I do sometimes find things that work for me. I also find it really useful when bloggers/vloggers do reviews, it allows you to explore different brands without having to pay the price. Ok so all products work differently for everyone but I think its good if you find someone online that you trust, it might be that they narrow down your options for you. I personally LOVE Holly Boon and sometimes I think ooooh that sounds like a really good product and then she reviews it and is like 'Hell No!', so i'm like fewww thank god I didn't pay £70 for that new face cream... Right, I must admit I am not the best at doing my routine every morning and every night. Things get on top of me and sometimes I end up going to bed with just using a face ...